Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Doctor's visit #2

Today was our second doctor's visit. We had our second ultrasound done today. This time it looked more like a baby rather than a peanut. We were very excited to see him or her and we heard the heartbeat. Bo thought it was the best! He smiled, laughed, and giggled the whole time. It was priceless! He also gave me and the nurse a scare when he yelled- "There is another one!" (There was ONLY one.) The nurse corrected him and reassured me really quick!
We should find out in about 8 weeks what we are having.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Yahhyy, Sarah!!

I am so proud of my sister, Sarah! She will be graduating from the University of Memphis on Saturday. Anyone that knows me knows I am a little ADHD. It is going to be a challenge sitting through graduation (I had a hard time sitting through my own), but I would not miss it for anything! I know she feels relieved to be done with all exams, books, and teachers. Especially the ones that think they "know-it-all." God has amazing things in store for her! Watch out world- here she comes!
(Oh yea! She is the one that talked me into this "blog stuff." We will see how it goes.) Love you, Sarah!