Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Finally working on the nursery!

We have about 11 weeks left before we meet our sweet baby Nash! My consultant, Sarah- hehe, told me that I have got to get on the ball! She keeps me on task! So, we started the nursery Friday. Thanks to Sarah, Ryan, and my mom, we got most of it finished. We still have so much to get- rocker, dresser, etc... But at least we have a start now. We painted the room blue, put up bead board, and a chair rail. We got the crib, mattress, and bedding. Oh yea! And put in a closet organizer. We had a pretty full weekend! We just can't wait to have Nash in his new bedroom!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lake 09

We spent Labor Day weekend at Norfork Lake. It was awesome! We had a great time. Jon Harris got to intertube for the first time. He loved it! We could not hardly get him off. (Amy, I told him all about our adventures "tubing" with your family and all the fun we had.) We could hear him laugh and giggle the whole time. He got to ride with Sarah, Uncle Ryan, and Bo-Daddy. We even got my mom on the tube for the first time ever. It was funny watching her and my dad having such a good time. Next year, Uncle Ryan wants to teach Jon Harris to ski. (Maybe I'll be able to do more than just watch.) It was so nice to relax with my family and enjoy the beautiful scenery. It reminded me of all the blessings God has given me! ( More than I deserve!)