Sunday, March 20, 2011

Who Am I?

That was the question for me last night. It all started yesterday while I was in Covington. I got to hang out with so many of my friends that I have not seen in so long. It was wonderful! But when I am in a big crowd of people from home, I start feeling so dang insecure. Who am I to my friends and people there? My mind starts racing... Do they like me? What do they think of me? I wonder what they have heard about me? Do they think I have gained too much weight? (lol) Do they still think of me as that bratty child that would not shut up in Sunday School? (lol) I could go on and on! Growing up in a small town, there are so many people that know your ups and your downs, your past and your present, and your strengths and flaws. Boy, do I have some flaws! I have always been a "People Pleaser" and if I think that someone doesn't like me- IT KILLS ME! I can't stand it! I have found myself letting so many of my wonderful friendships go because of this problem I have of not knowing who I am around them. I want people to know my heart and who I am.... not the person that got a divorce, the girl that partied way too much, or the girl that had NO idea of who she was--but I want people to see the person God has made me, a sinner who has been delivered by God's grace. This was so heavy on my heart this morning.
When I got to church, I was amazed! The sermon, I felt, spoke directly to me. The title was "Who am I?" It was about Moses. Moses probably had a little bit of an idenity crisis. He was born a Hebrew but was raised an Egyptian. There were probably times that he didn't know who in the world he was! The Hebrew people looked at him as the enemy and slave driver and the Egyptians KNEW he was a Hebrew that should have been killed when he was born. Could you imagine the confusion Moses felt? But God had big things in store for Moses. Moses was the key to helping free God's people. (Exodus 2) Rachel Newsome shared her testimony of her own idenity crisis this morning and this is what she taught me:
Who am I? I am Stephanie Elizabeth Weaver. I am God's righteousness.
"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Cor. 5:21 -That my friends is who I am. Thank God! I hope I am not the only one that goes through periods of idenity crisis. I am a mother, wife, friend, co-worker, etc. BUT the most important, THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD through Jesus!
With so much love,

Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Break

Jon Harris is up close and personal:)

Nash after a bath....Love the mohawk!

I can't believe it is already Spring Break! We have had a weird and busy week. Jon Harris has had Fifth Disease, Nash has had a double ear infection, and I have been fighting a sinus infection- but we have managed to get in some fun time.
Since I have also been out of school, I have had a "To Do" list a mile long! Bo and I built a Pergola, Catfish (our dog) a kennel, and are now working on the boy's swing set. Okay... Mostly Bo has done the Jon Harris has been such a big help! (As shown in the picture.) I think he has learned alot, too.
We did take a break and go to the zoo and a movie this week. Jon Harris and I went to see Rango with some friends. It was an okay movie but I was very disappointed in the language. Jon Harris liked it though. Nash and Jon Harris had a great time at the zoo. Nash has not been since he was three months old. We watched the Sea Lion show. It was really cool! For us, the zoo never gets old. I can't wait to go when we can take a picnic and enjoy the water fountains in Teton Trek.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"I Want You To Live Forever"

A few weeks ago Bo and I went with Ryan and Sarah to see Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors at Minglewood Hall. They are so awesome! This is one of the songs he sings. He wrote it for his nephews. I could not help but think of my boys. I think this song expresses every mother's sentiments. When I hear it now, I start thinking about Kate and what she must be feeling. Kate, you are my hero! You are staying so strong in your faith and your faith is touching so many lives! Lucy is getting her will to fight through your tremendous amount of faith. Hang in there! We are keeping the prayers coming!

15 months

Nash's first Oreo

Nash is 15 months! I can't believe it! We went for his check-up and shots last week. He weighs 23 pounds.
He is doing so many new things. He is: Walking (finally at 14 months), saying "uh-oh," signing "more," blowing kisses, and waving bye-bye. He jibber-jabbers alot but does not say many words yet. He does say "Uba" aka Bubba-that is what he calls Jon Harris. They are both CRAZY about each other!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Still Here.........

We are still praying for Lucy..... and will continue!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Jon Harris and Nash

I found this way Nash was sleeping cute and funny!

I posted this picture once of Jon Harris but it was really small. I laugh everytime I look at it!