Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2 Months Old

Time has gone by so fast! Our Nash turned 2 months yesterday. I can't believe it. He gets more and more fun everyday! Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers while he was sick. As you can see in the pictures, he is doing so much better. He is starting to look just like Bo. He still has some of Jon Harris's features and really looks like him when he is asleep. Nash goes to the doctor Monday for shots and a weigh in. I am sure that he is pushing 10 lbs. - He is getting chubby cheeks and a double chin.:)
Yesterday, we spent the afternoon at the zoo. It was Nash's first visit to the zoo. The weather was awesome! It was great to get outside and out of the house. I will be so glad when Spring is here!

Basketball 2010

Jon Harris has started playing basketball for Faith Baptist. I am very impressed with their program. They have all family members line up to form a tunnel and they announce every player's name (while playing music)- the kids get to run through the tunnel. It was pretty cool! All the coaches and players have a devo during half time. They also stop the kids when they do something wrong during the game and teach them the right way.

Jon Harris scored the first goal- I got so excited!!! We will definetly try to play there again next year.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Your wrist pads go WHERE???!..???

So, Jon Harris decided to go rollerblading this afternoon. He put everything on ( rollerblades, knee pads, elbow pads, helmet....) Anyway, he wanted to show me how he put everything on all by himself. He was so proud! After he showed me his knee pads, he told me that he put on the bootie pad and the "Cheetoh" pad. ( Many of you know that is what he calls his "manly part"- he has since he discovered it.) I said,"WHAT in the world are you talking about?" He said, "You know, mom, the pad that has a hole in it for my cheetoh to go through." He proceeded to show me ...... He had taken his wrist pad and put it in his pants! He thought the hole for the thumb was the hole where his cheetoh was supposed to go through..... OMG!!! Imagine what I saw! Bo and I about lost it!! Where does this kid come up with these things!!!???!!!! Needless to say, he knows now where the wrist pads go.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Poor Baby Nash

Our sweet baby boy has had pneumonia. It was awful! I felt so sorry for him. I killed me to see him so sick! Luckily, we did not have to go in the hospital - Thanks to our wonderful Nurse Karen! She took such good care of Nashy. She called us everyday to check on us ( sometimes 2 or 3 times a day )and she saw him twice. We don't know what in the world we would do without her! She has a special gift of compassion. She is the most caring person I have ever met. I pray that I can be more like her. Bo and I feel so blessed to have her in our lives!
Everyday Nash is getting better and stronger- it is just taking some time. He is still on an antibiotic and breathing treatments 4 times a day. -Kendra, I am so sorry for what you have been through. I can't believe Sebastian has had pneumonia 3 times. Poor baby! You guys are definetly in our prayers! We will pray boldly that his tests come back normal!

2010 - Here already?

We started our New Years Eve celebration at Macaroni Grill with Ryan and Sarah and 25 other people. Afterwards, Bo and I took the boys to his parents ( G-maw and G-paw.) We were so excited to have a night to do what we wanted. Earlier in the night, we thought we would go out and bring in the New Year but after we dropped the boys off, a hot bath and our bed was looking more and more appealing. Guess what? That was exactly what we did! We slept through the new year! It was the first full night of sleep that I have had since I got pregnant! Well, there is always 2011, maybe by then we will be more rested! LOL


Our Christmas Tree

Our sweet boys!

Jon Harris loves his netbook that Santa brought!
We had a great Christmas! I think I can speak for all three of us (Bo, Jon Harris, and myself)- It was so much fun having Nash here for Christmas!

The night before Christmas Eve

Look at these 3! Aren't they the cutest?? We went to Amy and Erik's house to have dinner the night before Christmas Eve. Katy, Landon, and Colton were in town so we were able to get all the babies together! It was so much fun! I hope we can make it a Christmas tradition!