Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Okay.... This was our SECOND FIRST DAY of Third grade.

We have discussed putting Jon Harris in Harding for 3 years now. We were planning to wait until at least the Fourth grade but it has seemed like God has better plans in store for JH. We have been lucky to be at an awesome Shelby County School for Kindergarten, First, and Second grades. We have made great memories and some exceptional friends through Macon-Hall. BUT here lately (unfortunately) we have had several bad experiences and we felt pushed to do something drastic like moving or enrolling into private school somehow since little steps were no longer acceptable after everything we'd been through.

The more we talked and prayed, the more God seemed to be "making our paths straight" for Harding as every tiny detail has fallen into place without a hitch. We were able to get enrolled and tested and admitted in a day and we only missed the first day of this school year. JH loves his new class and "the teachers there are amazing" (the first words I heard when I picked him up after his first day). We are excited to have Mrs. Fussell and are looking forward to the start of a great chapter in Jon Harris' education. Go Lions!

Going Away Sleep Over

Friday night, after the Redbirds game, we went to Mandy's house for a sleep over with the kiddos. This was Savannah, Tucker, and Charlie's last weekend here (until they come visit SOON!) We thought a sleep over would be a great way to see them off. The kids had so much fun watching movies and eating popcorn. Earlier in the night, the girls did their hair, make-up, and nails. -I HATED to miss that because if you know me, that is MY FAVORITE!! The next morning, we got up and went to eat doughnuts. THEN came the hard part, saying our "Seeya laters for now." -No goodbyes were allowed!

Jon Harris has said everyday since Monday that he wanted to move to San Antonio. He called and talked to Tucker, Savannah, and Charlie yesterday. This Friday, we are hoping to be able to facetime.

Fun With The Redbirds

We went to the Redbirds game Friday night. All the boys from Jon Harris' Arlington Yankees baseball team got to take the field with the players and stay there for the Star Spangled Banner. It was awesome! Before Jon Harris went out on the field, he said "Mom, I have field fright instead of stage fright." His sense of humor always makes me laugh. I think most of the boys were also nervous but very excited. Coach Ben worked so hard getting everything together and we really appreciate it--it was a great end to a great season!

Nash had a great time, too. I think his favorite part of the night was eating Rah-Rah's cotton candy. Kason looked so cute in his Cardinals hat and t-shirt. He is getting so big! It was a memory we will never forget!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First Day of Third Grade

Ughhh.... I can't believe Jon Harris is in third grade. How? When??? Where did the time go? He is such a neat kid! I love everyday that I get to spend getting to know the person that God is molding into an OUTSTANDING young man! I am so honored to be your mother, "J Mac."

Special "K" aka Kason

Kason is growing so fast! I can't believe that he is almost 3 months. He is so precious! He is smiling, laughing, and trying to roll over. He wants to talk to you so bad when you talk to him. Oh Yea! He is loving his thumb right now. It is the sweetest thing to see him smacking on it!

He is such a joy and blessing in our lives. I LOVE being an aunt!

Jon Harris' New Friend

This is Jon Harris' new friend.... I am kidding. He can't stand this thing but has to wear it for at least the next year along with braces. I have to crank this thing once a day until he has more space in his mouth. He should get his braces in the next couple of weeks. I can't believe he is old enough for braces. My baby is growing so fast! Oh, he would be so embarrassed that I called him a baby on the computer! But any mother understands that our kids will always be our babies no matter how big or old they are!
I LOVE YOU, Jon Harris!

Goodbyes Are So Darn Hard

The kids- June 2011

Left to right: Charlie, Jon Harris, Mary Catherine holding Nash, Aubrey, Lainey, Tucker

Bottom: Savannah and Madison

Such Special Friends

Jon Harris and Savannah



I have been in tears since we found out that some of our closest friends are moving to San Antonio. We have been honored to get to spend time with the Stantons since Jon Harris and Savannah were in Kindergarten. Jon Harris and Savannah have had a special friendship and bond that I can't even explain. They are so sweet together and love each other so much!

Courtney (Savannah's mom) is one of those friends that are few and far between. We have been raising our kids together for 3 years. That doesn't sound like a very long time but it feels like we have been together forever! Danny, Courtney, Savannah, Tucker, and Charlie have touched our lives forever. They will be missed but never forgotten. We are already planning a trip to see them in July 2012. Our friendship will continue to grow thanks to Facetime, Skype, and cars.:) I am sure the kids will be on their ipods a whole lot facetiming each other!

To the Stantons: We love you guys! You will be in our thoughts and prayers. God bless you!